How to plan your morning for a better day

Jashandeep Kaur
2 min readFeb 14, 2021

Waking up in the morning and spending the first hour or half an hour just scrolling through the phone feels great at that time. but do you know morning is the time where you can have peak performance hours and can get the things done so efficiently that it can never be compared to the rest of the day? Building a morning routine is always helpful and helps a lot in the long run. Although there is no perfect morning routine that can work for everyone. Every person is different and has different mental needs to start the day, but there is something common with every morning routine which is planning the day, giving some time for gratitude, and focusing on short and long-term goals.

Habits to adapt to the morning routine

Setting a time to wake up every day: Waking up at the same time really helps with improving the functioning of the body. I have personally experienced that you don’t need to be in the 5 am club for that, but having a time set to start your day every day helps. Try to move your alarm clock to a place far from your reach of the hand, so that you have to get out of the bed to turn it off.

Walk around and hydrate your body: Aim to drink at least 1 liter of water during the first 45 minutes of your day. You can always start by drinking a big glass of water as soon as you get out of your bed. Your body will definitely thank you for this.

Make a habit of writing a morning journal: Try to write the first thing which comes to your mind when you start your day. Keeping a gratitude journal is always a good idea.

Try to Visualize your day ahead: Make a to-do list with your priorities for the day and try to fit those at different times of the day. This way can help you keep a better track of your day and you will realize that you get most done.

Go for a run or do some exercise: Starting your morning with exercise will provide you energy and keep you active for most of the day.

Avoid checking emails: As tempting as it may sound the one thing I will avoid doing in the morning is checking my emails. According to my personal experience checking emails in the morning derails the personal agenda for the day.

Meditate: It doesn’t need to be spiritual always. Meditation can be just sitting in peace and focussing on your breathing and how your body is feeling in that particular moment.

We are ourselves responsible for our day. There is no right and wrong but you have to figure out what suits you and how your body and mind feel with a morning ritual. Only you can figure out if you are highly creative in the mornings or your mind doesn’t work at all in the morning. Either way, having a morning routine will always set you apart from the crowd and will help to achieve your goals.

